Why Is My Beard a Different Colour? Whether you are someone who has had a lush chin warmer for quite a while already or someone who is just getting the journey started, there is one question that might be bothering you. Why is my beard a different colour? We’re an affiliate We hope you love…
Are Beards Just a Trend? Do you love the fuzz? Kiss the bristles? Purr for the fur? Does the brush give you a rush? In other words, do you like beards? If you do, you’re in good company. The world long-regarded beards as an “outsider” characteristic, but face brooms are suddenly everywhere, including commercials aimed…
Why Does My Beard Itch? It’s bushy, it’s beautiful, you make it smell nice and it tickles anyone that sticks their face in it. But for some reason, it’s gotten to be crazy itchy. Get your mind out of the gutter. We’re talking about your beard. We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products…